Collaborative Projects
Explorer Dome reaches over 70,000 people every year. Since 1998 we have built a strong reputation for excellent, relevant, inspiring science outreach and strong relationships with schools and teachers in the areas we work. We have run many regional and national projects that utlise these strong partnerships, our ability to create bespoke content and our links with the wider national planetarium and science centre networks.
Whether it is supporting local schools or community events, CPD and training in presentation and science engagement, or developing whole new show programmes, we always enjoy collaborating with organisations that share our enthusiasm for engaging all audiences with science.
Bespoke Show Programme Development and Delivery
We aim to help keep the public informed and school students excited about the latest research and newest innovations and opportunities in science and technology. For this reason we love working with experts such as researchers and university departments, STEM industry professionals, educators, learned societies or organisations who are passionate to get their message out to a diverse public and school audience.
Recent Projects
Explorer Dome's recent national and international success includes the international Horizon2020 EU programme 'Our Space Our Future'. The Royal Society of Chemistry also supported, and continues to support, Explorer Dome to take inspiring chemistry into schools during this ongoing period of education recovery, where inspiration and hands-on science continues to be of utmost importance.
Closer to home we are working with the University of Bristol on an upcoming brain dome show about dementia and Alzheimers, and the amazing Engineering show 'We Make Our Future' developed with the University of West of England and currently supported by an Ingenious award. Explorer Dome also recently developed an Energy Show with Thrive Renewables who then supported local schools to participate and learn about renewable energy sources for a greener future.
TheRoyal Society of Chemistry supported Explorer Dome to develop a planetarium show that explores the Chemistry of Water with a primary school audience. Through this project we created an internationally respected show, uniquely combining hands-on science experimentation and bespoke, immersive 'fulldome' graphics exploring the amazing Life of Water. Online resources developed by the RSC that accompany the show can be downloaded from Learn Chemistry. Explorer Dome also worked alongside the BBC Stargazing Live Events Team in delivering their regional Stargazing Live Events in the South West and South Wales, developing a number of engagement activities that have continued to run.
Shaaron Leverment has led all national projects with the British Association of Planetaria, such as those supported by the Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and the UK Space Agency (Principia) Mission. We therefore have extensive experience managing projects that disseminate on local, national and international scales, with an extensive legacy that continues to engage and involve children and adults with the wonders of science.

Shows developed with your message