Space Show for KS2
The awe and wonder of space: a story-telling introduction to the earth, moon, sun and stars. Recognise that the sun is a star, find out why the sun moves across the sky, look for different phases of the moon and spot the myths and legends of ancient Greece in the stars.
Light Show for KS2
Get hands-on with light and colour. What light is, where it comes from, how it travels and how we see. Opaque, transparent and translucent materials, mirrors, prisms and filters provide a dazzling and enlightening display of reflection, refraction and colour mixing inside the darkened Dome.
Sound Show for KS2
Explore and question the world of vibration, sound waves, frequency, pitch and hearing. How fast is sound? Why do astronauts need radios and how do bats see in the dark? With thunder and lightning, pops and pipes, make music with our hands-on guide to the nature of noise!
Forces Show for KS2
Feel the friction, mess with magnets and get to grips with gravity! Action and reaction, equal and opposite forces, and hands-on experiments with rocket power take you out of this world to discover that forces feel very different in space.
Environment Show for KS2
Visit some of the great natural habitats of Earth, build food webs and see how animals are adapted to their environments. Discuss the reasons for deforestation and the greenhouse effect and feel empowered to make a difference as we enjoy finding out about our amazing planet.
The Earth Show for KS2
Find out how planet Earth formed, cooled and the continuous movement of the crust causing volcanoes and earthquakes. Visit the rainforest to discuss how life is connected and explore the role we all play in the future of life on Earth.
Human Body Show for KS2
Disgusting digestion from top to bottom! Join us on a hands-on guide to discover food groups, teeth and head down the oesophagus to take a look at the form and function of your digestive system. Experience ingestion, digestion, absorption and egestion from plate to poo!
Water Show for KS2
Supported by the Royal Society of Chemistry, this show explores the most important chemical for life on Earth - H2O. What is the water molecule and the difference between ice, liquid water and water vapour? The water cycle explained inside clouds and caves - condensation, freezing, evaporation, precipitation, disolving and exploding! Find out more about our most precious natural resource.
Winter Show for KS2
Explore the science behind the seasons and discover more about mid-winter festivals from around the world. What was the enigmatic ‘Christmas star’? Build a comet inside the Dome and discover what else is visible in the night sky over winter.
Book this show in late November and December.
Voyage Inside the Brain Show for KS2
We transform our dome into a giant brain to introduce basic neuroscience, how our brains work, the amazing things they can do and how to keep our brains healthy. This show was supported by Alzheimer’s Research UK and developed with neuroscientists from Bristol University.
Engineering: We Make Our Future Show for KS2
Industry, technology and invention have progressed civilisation, but how has this impacted the planet? What is climate change? And what can we do to engineer our way out of the climate emergency? Can you reach the Net Zero challenge in your local community?
Bubble Show for KS2
Investigate the mystery of gases by making bubbles that float and sink, grow and shrink, burn and explode. Find out just how tough bubbles can be, and how a bubble can sometimes be indecisive!
These science shows don’t use the Dome and involve exciting chemistry. Freezing fog, fire, flashes and bangs!
States of Matter for KS2
Exciting experiments and daring demos to explore solids, liquids and gases, evaporating, condensing, melting and freezing.
These science shows don’t use the Dome and involve exciting chemistry. Freezing fog, fire, flashes and bangs!
Science Tricks for KS2
Observing, predicting and testing. Question the baffling array of strange and wonderful experiments as we use everyday physics and kitchen chemistry to explain some key concepts.
These science shows don’t use the Dome and involve exciting chemistry. Freezing fog, fire, flashes and bangs!