Space and Stars
Crawl down the tunnel to discover a world of planets, stars, galaxies, black holes, constellations and stories. Adults and children alike are fascinated by the wonders of space, and this show is always a best-seller as a pop-up family-friendly planetarium show!

The Life of Water
A fantastically fun romp through the Life of Water, from its cosmic origins in deepest space, to its explosive potential for our future. Experience water up close and personal: high in the clouds, dissolving down through caves and even in, through and out of living creatures!

Light Fantastic
Time to get hands-on with Light! Light sources and shadows with reflections, lasers, colours, rainbows and stars sprinkled across the dome. This show is packed full of interactive, dazzling and enlightening effects and experiments that everyone will enjoy inside our darkened Dome.

Disgusting Digestion
You may have been told you are what you eat? Well here's the show that guides you through this wonderous process from top to bottom! A hands-on guide to food, ingestion, digestion, absorption and egestion, from plate to poo!

This show has something for everyone! Suitable for babies, great grandparents and all ages in-between! This show will delight you in the unexpected behaviour of our bubbles that float, sink, grow, shrink, burn and explode! This show is full of fun and suprises.

Science Tricks!
This is a collection of fun, unexpected and suprising science demonstrations and experiments to get everyone involved and get to grips with some big underlying scientific principles. We hope some of our tricks will give you ideas to try out yourselves. But some tricks... may be wise not to try out at home!